Why we led Fabi.ai’s seed round

Eniac Ventures
2 min readJul 24, 2023


Lei Tang, Dan Jaeck, Vic Singh, and Marc Dupuis

by Dan Jaeck and Vic Singh

We’re thrilled to share the news that Fabi.ai has officially launched, and that it’s raised $3 million in seed funding led by Eniac Ventures.

Fabi.ai is tackling data democratization, allowing business users to understand their data without using technical resources. It connects to existing data systems and uses AI to automate the process of answering queries from product management, marketing, customer success, or elsewhere in the company — streamlining that process while still giving data teams control over the ultimate output.

This is a problem Fabi.ai’s founders Marc Dupuis and Lei Tang have seen at a number of companies, including when they worked together at Clari, where Marc was director of product management and Lei was chief data scientist. Marc found himself constantly sending data questions to Lei, who would have to write SQL queries to find the answers.

Eventually, the two of them decided to find a more efficient way to help all teams get the information they need — freeing data scientists from monotonous and repetitive tasks so they can focus on more strategic work.

We’re thrilled to be partnering with our friends at Outlander VC on this investment, and even more thrilled to be backing Marc and Lei. Although Eniac and Fabi.ai are located on opposite coasts, we were able to close the deal over a three-hour lunch meeting in Vancouver, where we solidified our conviction that they were the perfect founders to tackle this issue.

Beyond seeing the problem, Marc and Lei understand the technology needed to solve it. While the latest generation of large language models can translate natural language into SQL code, company data is often messy, requiring you to build deeper connections to the data stack if you want to access it in an automated way.

We see Fabi.ai as part of a larger shift towards the democratization of data for nontechnical users. We’ve backed a number of companies working to improve the data stack, from infrastructure companies like Model-Prime to companies that empower data scientists like Pienso and even those that use data to transform healthcare like 1upHealth. By simplifying the interface needed to access this data, Fabi.ai isn’t just making teams more efficient — it’s making data accessible to virtually anyone in an organization.



Eniac Ventures

We lead seed rounds in bold founders who use code to create transformational companies.